Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wolf Messing - A Symbol Of Mind Power

We often read about extraordinary powers of the mind. But some of us may be skeptical about the possibility of the human mind to possess or develop supernatural powers. Though several instances of people displaying their extraordinary mental power are being reported, unfortunately, we are unable to verify the authenticity of the stories supported by endorsements of the events by other people.

Wolf Messing was born in Poland in September, 1899 in a Jewish family. He had a vision as a boy in the form of a gigantic figure. He ran away from home with 18 cents. When he was traveling in a train without ticket hiding under a seat, he was confronted by a ticket checker. Meshing passed a small piece of paper torn from a newspaper. The ticket checker “saw” it as a genuine ticket.

While working as a messenger in Berlin, he once fainted. When brought to the hospital, he was pronounced dead. But as he was being taken to the mortuary, another doctor discerned a faint heartbeat. A reexamination confirmed that he was alive. Dr. Abel, the Chief Medical Officer described  Messing’s condition as self-induced catalepsy, a state of suspended animation attained by highly trained Yogis. Messing was in this state for three days. Dr. Abel confirmed that he was a psychic.This incident was a turning point in Messing’s  life. He started giving demonstrations of his ability by going into a glass coffin and remaining in a state of self-induced catalepsy every weekend.

When he was in Vienna in 1915, Messing was invited by Albert Einstein. Sigmund Freud, the founder of Psychoanalysis was also present in Einstein’s’ house at the time of Messing’s visit.  Messing was tested by the great Freud himself. Freud gave some mental commands, which Messing faithfully carried out proving his ability to read Freud’s thoughts! One of his commands was to pull out three strands of hair from the thick moustache of Einstein, which Messing executed faithfully, albeit feeling embarrassed.

In 1927, Messing was in India where he met Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi gave him a mental command to take the flute from the table and give it to one of the people in the room. Messing did so. The man to whom Messing gave the flute started playing it and a cobra slithered out of a basket and began to sway to the movements of the flute. (Those who discount the theory that a cobra will be swayed by the playing of a flute will have to take this piece of information with a pinch of salt!)

Messing also met some yogis in India and he said that while he could be in the state of self-induced catalepsy for not more than three days, the Indian Yogis could be in this state for weeks together. Messing also seems to have met the Spiritual Guru Saibaba and Saibaba has also confirmed this.

Messing had predicted that Hitler would die if he invaded Russia. Angered by this open prediction, Hitler wanted Messing ‘dead or alive.’ Messing was arrested after Germany captured Poland. But Messing escaped from the Police station by making all policemen assemble in a room by giving them a mental command and then locking the room. He escaped to Russia but his family was captured and put to death by the Nazis.

In Russia, Messing met Stalin. After putting him to several tests, Stalin challenged him to enter Stalin's dacha (private residence) at Kuntsevo, which was the most heavily guarded place in the Soviet Union, with only a privileged few having had access to it. One day, Stalin was shocked to see Messing walking into his room. Messing was let in by the guards because Messing made them see him as Beria, the infamous head of the Soviet Secret Police!

Messing predicted that the world war would end on May 9, 1945 and it ended exactly on that day.  Invading Russia proved to be Hitler’s undoing as predicted by Messing.

Messing explained his power as his ability to see visual images of a specific action or place.

(Source: The Mirror, February, 1981)

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